Ok, so today morning was so F**ked up! I was already irritated by lack of sleep yesterday because I had to study for a test. And as you would guess, I did not exactly have the best mood today.
So, as I was taking the bus, I was tired from standing and people kept pushing me around on the bus. I was not amused, in fact my temper rose to almost boiling. I was sickened by the whole, oh by the way, its not pushing, its SHOVING! WHAT THE HELL! But the worst of it all was when the bus reached the interchange and well, everyone gets off the bus and the people just cannot wait to get off the bus and I am stuck right in the middle because I am just next to the exit doors. My, how I appreciate such enthusiam! Bloody Hell! They could have let me exit first since I am so near, then they can exit smoothly but NO! they just push, no, not push. SHOVE me behind. Worst of all, my bag is not exactly the smallest thing, so when they shove me behind so they can exit, I have to protect my bag as well as keeping myself from falling. Honestly, where has all the courtesy in the world go to!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sickening people on the public bus
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 7:26 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Alright, so today the weirdest thing happened to me. I was heading off to my grandma's house for a reason I don't know when I saw a really adorable orange tabby cat sitting in a really calm position. Its eyes were closed and it looked like as if it was meditating. I couldn't resist disturbing it so I went 'Meow', 'Meow' at it. Before I knew it, the cat got up and followed me into the lift. I was freaked out. Nevertheless, I pressed the 8th floor button and waited. The cat circled me once before standing in front of the lift entrance. When we reached the 8th floor, the cat jumped out and sat a few meters outside the lift door. As I walked to my grandma's house, I seriously thought it was going to follow me again. However, it just sat there and looked foward.
Man, kittys have such weird attidudes. But it disappeared after my sister and cousin went to look for it a few minutes later.
Learnt my lesson not to 'meow' at another cat again. haha...
Sieh Sie nächstehs Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Today was Cognitive Processes lesson and well, it was just like last time, really insightful. But the teacher is going to leave us after this lesson. Really, had like 4 changes of teacher already, don't need anymore.
Yesterday was Mathematics and Computing lessons and well, I wasn't exactly looking that foward into it but got a surprise when the problem came out. We did not have to do programming this week, but we had to answer questions on it and understand more of the codes used. Man! What a relief! So today, I guessed not such a bad day after all. But only one team member of my group showed up and because of that, my teammate I had to merge with another team and we had four groups instead of the usual five.
Culture lessons was like crazy on Tuesday. The teacher is exactly like 'Miss Lim' from my secondary school. Really scary! But my group on Tuesday were all females. Man, felt so powerful then.
Went for my first class of Aikido. Haha... So cool. Really liked it but have to buck up more because I was the slowest and worse during the pratice. Hehehe...
Sieh Sie nächstehs Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Today went out to my grandma's house for dinner. All my relatives chipped in with at least one foodstuff for the dinner. There were two kinds of fried chicken, fish, hot dogs, chicken wings, sambal veggies and soup. Also, there was the nasi lemak kind of rice as well the anchovies and peanuts. Man! I was so full after the dinner and had two packets of chrysanthemum tea and a glass of water to drown out the food. Of course, that just made me bloated. haha... stupid move. Then, there was dessert. I loved the longan, lychee and the syrup drink but I completely hated the chin chow. So I only took half a bowl.
Continuing on, before dinner, my aunts, mom, cousin and me went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to shop for clothes since there was a sale. I only tagged along so I could get my CD. But unfortunately, my mum was already picking out clothes and dumping it on me to try. Went scouting round the whole mall, but still could not find my CD. Turns out that in every CD shop I go to, none of them actually carried the artist. Was really disappointed but hoping to try and find it at other places with a wider range of CDs.
Sieh Sie nächstehs Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Labour Day Out
Today's Labour Day and yes, we must make use of public holidays to go out with friends. So, decided to go out to Katong today, gwen wanted to get her bible but unfortunately the church's bookshop was closed.
So, we instead went to Parkway Parade and realised that the MPH bookstore was replaced by Borders! I was initially disappointed with the change but then seeing all the books and how big it was, I became elated once again. Well, at least it did not change to Popular... not that I have anything against them but it seems they have a very limited amount of fiction books since they also dedicate a lot to stationery and all that. Just really not for me, I would have definitely freaked if that happened.
After spending around 45 minutes window book shopping, we left to walk under the hot sun. Man! It was like being toasted in an oven and we could do nothing about it. After the terrible sun baking experience, our efforts finally paid off when we reached the Katong Laksa Stall. Haven't eaten it for like around a year already. But it was so nice that I packed two bowls of it home.Mmmmm............................................
After buying all the other foodstuffs which prices have gone significantly high. Really no kidding because I left home with around 60 bucks and was left with only around 20. Ha! Definitely learnt my lesson this time round.
Sieh Sie nächstehs Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:03 AM 0 comments