Tuesday, January 22, 2008

An Unnerving Day

Well, oh well. Today's is just like any other day except that it wasn't. Finding out the 'O' Levels results was actually released this thursday instead of next monday really brought out the anxiety in me. I wasn't even prepared and now it is pushed foward. These two days are going to be really a torture....i would most probably be starving yself then. What's worse is that i have work on that day and now i have to explain everything to the
boss, and she does not like last minute arrangements. I am just going to have to prepare myself for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow......................................
All I can say is that it is not going to be pleasant.............

But moving on, I saw this little preview of the Little Mermaid on Broadway, and its really just wonderful.

Check this out!
The Little Mermaid is Sierra Boggess.

Sieh Sie nächstes Mal Leute!