Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Well, actually, I wasn't going to write a new post until I got all my pictures of my vacation trip but I just had to write about the poppie I saw today.

After completing 10 laps round the pool today, I decided to take a break. And thats why I saw this really adorable dog! It was jumping up and down, really excited, and when I would say when its mistress left for the toilet, it immediately tried to follow even when the master tried to hold the dog in its place. And it kept making really high-pitched barks at the toilet door. All I could think of was how sweet that poppie was!

After researching on the dog, I would say, based on my memory, that it was an Aussiedoddle.

On the downside today, though, the obnoxious person who kept singing the song "Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid, decided to shout-sing the song. I had a most horrible time having to deal with her shout-singing.

Sieh Sie nächstes Mal Leute!