Hey, today's Monday and its the start of the fourth week of school. Unexpected changes were abound yesterday. Continuing on, I was rather surprised that Monday's teacher would be leaving not just our class, but the SCHOOL! He would be the last person I would expect to leave.
And a rather lovely change I must say though I would have preferred the previous teacher. The new teacher was rather nice though too quiet and made the class a tad bit boring. However, she asked for feedback and that actually would help to praise the presenting team.
Also, this teacher has the habit of actually switching team every week. So, I actually got to work with people whom I have not worked with, as well as two of moi friends! The people in my team are so hilarious, couldn't stop arguing with them. Man, I never talked so much before! But after that whole arguing for my stand, I became as silent as the still wind. But the teacher would only be replacing for this week and have to wait next week to find out who the new teacher is.
Finally decided on joining the Aikido CCA or IG as they call it here. Went for the try outs today and LOVED it! The price is a little discouraging though but my parents were fine with it so everything is going smoothly. WHOO HOO!!!
Sieh Sie nächstehs Mal Leute!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Now, I am writing about Sunday and today I woke up extremely happy. This is because I actually found an organisation in Singapore that is dedicated to wildlife rescue. All thanks to Gwen as she found out about it at Tamps Mall and knowng I was interested in wildlife, told me about it.

I swear, I was completely taken aback by the wildlife trade in Singapore. I knew there was wildlife trade but I just didn't know it was that much. To see those appalling numbers, see the website, its too much to say it on my blog.

Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Okay! Fell asleep yesterday so I shall be posting what I did yesterday today. Alright, so Saturday was pretty fun. I met up with gwen after her italian classes and went off to Velocity to have lunch. Man! It had to be the most hilarious lunch I have ever been to. Firstly, couldn't order the spagetthi with carbonara since it wasn't on the set menu anymore. So I settled down for their fish&chips and gwen the honey glazed chicken. Oh, by the way the restaurant's name is mingles and the food is really good! But back to our lunch, we both had our rootbeer float and well, I didn't really know how it happened but gwen's float started overflowing out of the glass and we were having lots of difficulties trying to stop it. Would have been lesser if we controlled our laughter. The soup of the day was clam chowder and it was lovely, real colourful too. So after around forty-five minutes after, we finished our lunch and headed off to take the bus instead of the MRT. So in the meantime, we took crazy pictures on the camera.
I predicted that I would be home at around 3 but unfortunately, my prediction in time is seriously, one of the worst and I reached home only at 5.10pm. The result of reaching home so late was that I was in a rush the whole time round since I had to go for a dinner at 7.
So, finally reached the restaurant but I was wearing this crazy orange sweater in the heat, everyone commented on how ridiculous I looked. The food there was nice but unfortunately for indulgent eaters like my family and relatives, the proportion is like way small. Everyone didn't seem to have enough, so they were actually having plans on having a durian feast after the dinner.
Anyways, for me, I was alright with the food proportion, at least I didn't have to worry about eating too much for the dinner since I already splurged it on lunch already. Contradictory to that, I had around four and a half slice of cake and they were HUGE!. It was just beckoning me to eat more of it and how could I ever resist those heavenly fruit cakes! Yes, now people will soon have to put a restraining order on me, lest, I finish all of their birthday cakes.
Sieh Sie nächstehs Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Alas! Today is Friday! The last day of this week's school. I must say, I felt very much relieved today. It was almost like a huge burden removed from my chest. The first five days that I experienced, every single day, was filled with indescribable fear. I really couldn't understand nor explain why I felt so frightened. Even after the first week, everyone still seemed so foreign to me. I do not really believe that its an issue of wherether when I will get used to it, I find it to be somewhat deeper. Something that really triggers this fear and I cannot push it back down. The presentations are plain frightening, honestly, back in secondary school, presentations were less frightening and the people seem friendlier, even encouraging. I feel that everyone is cold here and would just stare you down at any point of time.
Just to note, there was this really freaky incident that happened on last Thursday. Having Enterprise Skills lesson was alright, it didn't seem as boring as I imagined it to be. However, when I finished my worksheet, and the teacher was asking answers to questions, I predicted that he would call on me for the 4th question. WHAM! It happened just I had that thought in my head. Really, I wanted to use my mind-reading skills for my benefits and not disadvantage because I completely embarrassed myself in front of the class by giving mostly ridiculous answers.
Hopefully things would turn out fine.
Sieh Sie nächstes Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Not So Bad After All...
Today wasn't so bad after all... Actually it was way better than yesterday. Yesterday was the first day of the Orientation of Republic Polytechnic. Maybe I am a little biased since the first day was pretty much like academic orientation so most probably I wasn't that interested. Although the problem solving seems a lot and I am just hoping that I can cope with all the work through this whole year. Besides in the classroom as I call it, I was assigned to sit with three other people. Not excatly the most enjoyable first day since what I got from trying to make friends was that being quite alone at the end of it all. So it didn' t work out so well and I guess it just felt really depressing on the first day. Oh, yes, I also figured out that first year in Republic Polytechnic, everyone of different diplomas come together and work as a group. Only in the second and third year, do u get to be with your own school... eg. School of Applied Science.
Alright, today was the second day of the Orientation and we got to be in our own school and I got a first introduction of the Applied Science school. I must say, I felt so much better. And not just that, I guess my look on the future there is somewhat more illuminated since I saw a familiar face and that she is in Applied Science school as well. I also managed to talk to a complete stranger and now we are causal acquaintances. So, not too bad. Guess I won't feel so depressed the whole year round.
Sieh Sie nächstes Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 5:58 AM 0 comments