Alright, so this was the house that I drew in a personality test that I took recently introduced by Gwen. I named my house vine madness for obvious reasons. Here are the results:
Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes. When it comes to love, you shut yourself off. It's difficult to win your heart because you have decided to keep your feelings deep inside. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people. You are not a romantic person by nature. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself.
I suggest everyone to take the test as well. A little time consuming, perhaps, but by far the most accurate one I have taken so far.
Here's the website:
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Personality Test
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Alright, so I have not been updating for a very long time. I have been far too busy with school and work. Yes. I have started working again since around last month. This time, it is not out of killing time but really more on paying my own fees in school since my parents are currently in quite tight budget.
Anyways, I went to the zoo yesterday and boy, was I amused. This time, instead of going with a few people, it was with a whole big bunch of people. That means a group of 16 people. hehe... The trip was a little too rushed for my liking but I could not blame them since they were all waiting for me... the one who was the latest. I loved the animals but this would probably be my last visit to the zoo since I was never really fond of zoos, putting wild aninals inside enclosures.
Finally, now it is towards the books corner. I just recently bought this book on Ancient Egypt at Borders in Parkway Parade and so far, I am lovin' it.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 1:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sickening people on the public bus
Ok, so today morning was so F**ked up! I was already irritated by lack of sleep yesterday because I had to study for a test. And as you would guess, I did not exactly have the best mood today.
So, as I was taking the bus, I was tired from standing and people kept pushing me around on the bus. I was not amused, in fact my temper rose to almost boiling. I was sickened by the whole, oh by the way, its not pushing, its SHOVING! WHAT THE HELL! But the worst of it all was when the bus reached the interchange and well, everyone gets off the bus and the people just cannot wait to get off the bus and I am stuck right in the middle because I am just next to the exit doors. My, how I appreciate such enthusiam! Bloody Hell! They could have let me exit first since I am so near, then they can exit smoothly but NO! they just push, no, not push. SHOVE me behind. Worst of all, my bag is not exactly the smallest thing, so when they shove me behind so they can exit, I have to protect my bag as well as keeping myself from falling. Honestly, where has all the courtesy in the world go to!!!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 7:26 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Alright, so today the weirdest thing happened to me. I was heading off to my grandma's house for a reason I don't know when I saw a really adorable orange tabby cat sitting in a really calm position. Its eyes were closed and it looked like as if it was meditating. I couldn't resist disturbing it so I went 'Meow', 'Meow' at it. Before I knew it, the cat got up and followed me into the lift. I was freaked out. Nevertheless, I pressed the 8th floor button and waited. The cat circled me once before standing in front of the lift entrance. When we reached the 8th floor, the cat jumped out and sat a few meters outside the lift door. As I walked to my grandma's house, I seriously thought it was going to follow me again. However, it just sat there and looked foward.
Man, kittys have such weird attidudes. But it disappeared after my sister and cousin went to look for it a few minutes later.
Learnt my lesson not to 'meow' at another cat again. haha...
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Today was Cognitive Processes lesson and well, it was just like last time, really insightful. But the teacher is going to leave us after this lesson. Really, had like 4 changes of teacher already, don't need anymore.
Yesterday was Mathematics and Computing lessons and well, I wasn't exactly looking that foward into it but got a surprise when the problem came out. We did not have to do programming this week, but we had to answer questions on it and understand more of the codes used. Man! What a relief! So today, I guessed not such a bad day after all. But only one team member of my group showed up and because of that, my teammate I had to merge with another team and we had four groups instead of the usual five.
Culture lessons was like crazy on Tuesday. The teacher is exactly like 'Miss Lim' from my secondary school. Really scary! But my group on Tuesday were all females. Man, felt so powerful then.
Went for my first class of Aikido. Haha... So cool. Really liked it but have to buck up more because I was the slowest and worse during the pratice. Hehehe...
Sieh Sie nächstehs Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Today went out to my grandma's house for dinner. All my relatives chipped in with at least one foodstuff for the dinner. There were two kinds of fried chicken, fish, hot dogs, chicken wings, sambal veggies and soup. Also, there was the nasi lemak kind of rice as well the anchovies and peanuts. Man! I was so full after the dinner and had two packets of chrysanthemum tea and a glass of water to drown out the food. Of course, that just made me bloated. haha... stupid move. Then, there was dessert. I loved the longan, lychee and the syrup drink but I completely hated the chin chow. So I only took half a bowl.
Continuing on, before dinner, my aunts, mom, cousin and me went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to shop for clothes since there was a sale. I only tagged along so I could get my CD. But unfortunately, my mum was already picking out clothes and dumping it on me to try. Went scouting round the whole mall, but still could not find my CD. Turns out that in every CD shop I go to, none of them actually carried the artist. Was really disappointed but hoping to try and find it at other places with a wider range of CDs.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Labour Day Out
Today's Labour Day and yes, we must make use of public holidays to go out with friends. So, decided to go out to Katong today, gwen wanted to get her bible but unfortunately the church's bookshop was closed.
So, we instead went to Parkway Parade and realised that the MPH bookstore was replaced by Borders! I was initially disappointed with the change but then seeing all the books and how big it was, I became elated once again. Well, at least it did not change to Popular... not that I have anything against them but it seems they have a very limited amount of fiction books since they also dedicate a lot to stationery and all that. Just really not for me, I would have definitely freaked if that happened.
After spending around 45 minutes window book shopping, we left to walk under the hot sun. Man! It was like being toasted in an oven and we could do nothing about it. After the terrible sun baking experience, our efforts finally paid off when we reached the Katong Laksa Stall. Haven't eaten it for like around a year already. But it was so nice that I packed two bowls of it home.Mmmmm............................................
After buying all the other foodstuffs which prices have gone significantly high. Really no kidding because I left home with around 60 bucks and was left with only around 20. Ha! Definitely learnt my lesson this time round.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Hey, today's Monday and its the start of the fourth week of school. Unexpected changes were abound yesterday. Continuing on, I was rather surprised that Monday's teacher would be leaving not just our class, but the SCHOOL! He would be the last person I would expect to leave.
And a rather lovely change I must say though I would have preferred the previous teacher. The new teacher was rather nice though too quiet and made the class a tad bit boring. However, she asked for feedback and that actually would help to praise the presenting team.
Also, this teacher has the habit of actually switching team every week. So, I actually got to work with people whom I have not worked with, as well as two of moi friends! The people in my team are so hilarious, couldn't stop arguing with them. Man, I never talked so much before! But after that whole arguing for my stand, I became as silent as the still wind. But the teacher would only be replacing for this week and have to wait next week to find out who the new teacher is.
Finally decided on joining the Aikido CCA or IG as they call it here. Went for the try outs today and LOVED it! The price is a little discouraging though but my parents were fine with it so everything is going smoothly. WHOO HOO!!!
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Now, I am writing about Sunday and today I woke up extremely happy. This is because I actually found an organisation in Singapore that is dedicated to wildlife rescue. All thanks to Gwen as she found out about it at Tamps Mall and knowng I was interested in wildlife, told me about it.

I swear, I was completely taken aback by the wildlife trade in Singapore. I knew there was wildlife trade but I just didn't know it was that much. To see those appalling numbers, see the website, its too much to say it on my blog.

Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Okay! Fell asleep yesterday so I shall be posting what I did yesterday today. Alright, so Saturday was pretty fun. I met up with gwen after her italian classes and went off to Velocity to have lunch. Man! It had to be the most hilarious lunch I have ever been to. Firstly, couldn't order the spagetthi with carbonara since it wasn't on the set menu anymore. So I settled down for their fish&chips and gwen the honey glazed chicken. Oh, by the way the restaurant's name is mingles and the food is really good! But back to our lunch, we both had our rootbeer float and well, I didn't really know how it happened but gwen's float started overflowing out of the glass and we were having lots of difficulties trying to stop it. Would have been lesser if we controlled our laughter. The soup of the day was clam chowder and it was lovely, real colourful too. So after around forty-five minutes after, we finished our lunch and headed off to take the bus instead of the MRT. So in the meantime, we took crazy pictures on the camera.
I predicted that I would be home at around 3 but unfortunately, my prediction in time is seriously, one of the worst and I reached home only at 5.10pm. The result of reaching home so late was that I was in a rush the whole time round since I had to go for a dinner at 7.
So, finally reached the restaurant but I was wearing this crazy orange sweater in the heat, everyone commented on how ridiculous I looked. The food there was nice but unfortunately for indulgent eaters like my family and relatives, the proportion is like way small. Everyone didn't seem to have enough, so they were actually having plans on having a durian feast after the dinner.
Anyways, for me, I was alright with the food proportion, at least I didn't have to worry about eating too much for the dinner since I already splurged it on lunch already. Contradictory to that, I had around four and a half slice of cake and they were HUGE!. It was just beckoning me to eat more of it and how could I ever resist those heavenly fruit cakes! Yes, now people will soon have to put a restraining order on me, lest, I finish all of their birthday cakes.
Sieh Sie nächstehs Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Alas! Today is Friday! The last day of this week's school. I must say, I felt very much relieved today. It was almost like a huge burden removed from my chest. The first five days that I experienced, every single day, was filled with indescribable fear. I really couldn't understand nor explain why I felt so frightened. Even after the first week, everyone still seemed so foreign to me. I do not really believe that its an issue of wherether when I will get used to it, I find it to be somewhat deeper. Something that really triggers this fear and I cannot push it back down. The presentations are plain frightening, honestly, back in secondary school, presentations were less frightening and the people seem friendlier, even encouraging. I feel that everyone is cold here and would just stare you down at any point of time.
Just to note, there was this really freaky incident that happened on last Thursday. Having Enterprise Skills lesson was alright, it didn't seem as boring as I imagined it to be. However, when I finished my worksheet, and the teacher was asking answers to questions, I predicted that he would call on me for the 4th question. WHAM! It happened just I had that thought in my head. Really, I wanted to use my mind-reading skills for my benefits and not disadvantage because I completely embarrassed myself in front of the class by giving mostly ridiculous answers.
Hopefully things would turn out fine.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Not So Bad After All...
Today wasn't so bad after all... Actually it was way better than yesterday. Yesterday was the first day of the Orientation of Republic Polytechnic. Maybe I am a little biased since the first day was pretty much like academic orientation so most probably I wasn't that interested. Although the problem solving seems a lot and I am just hoping that I can cope with all the work through this whole year. Besides in the classroom as I call it, I was assigned to sit with three other people. Not excatly the most enjoyable first day since what I got from trying to make friends was that being quite alone at the end of it all. So it didn' t work out so well and I guess it just felt really depressing on the first day. Oh, yes, I also figured out that first year in Republic Polytechnic, everyone of different diplomas come together and work as a group. Only in the second and third year, do u get to be with your own school... eg. School of Applied Science.
Alright, today was the second day of the Orientation and we got to be in our own school and I got a first introduction of the Applied Science school. I must say, I felt so much better. And not just that, I guess my look on the future there is somewhat more illuminated since I saw a familiar face and that she is in Applied Science school as well. I also managed to talk to a complete stranger and now we are causal acquaintances. So, not too bad. Guess I won't feel so depressed the whole year round.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Anyways, I watched Music and Lyrics starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore and I must say, it was fantastic! I am completely in love with song now. You all should catch the movie. Really GOOD! Just to prove it, here's a clip of the movie of the title song. ENJOY!
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Well, actually, I wasn't going to write a new post until I got all my pictures of my vacation trip but I just had to write about the poppie I saw today.
After completing 10 laps round the pool today, I decided to take a break. And thats why I saw this really adorable dog! It was jumping up and down, really excited, and when I would say when its mistress left for the toilet, it immediately tried to follow even when the master tried to hold the dog in its place. And it kept making really high-pitched barks at the toilet door. All I could think of was how sweet that poppie was!
After researching on the dog, I would say, based on my memory, that it was an Aussiedoddle.
On the downside today, though, the obnoxious person who kept singing the song "Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid, decided to shout-sing the song. I had a most horrible time having to deal with her shout-singing.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I can't wait for tomorrow to come! I am finally going on holidays again after so many months of torment being nerve-wrecked every single moment. I will be visiting Hong Kong, Macau and a part of China which I haven't caught the name yet. But, no worries, I will get it sooner or later.
Finally, a whole week to forget troubles, but I must say its rather hard to shake off all these thoughts when it is about your future life and career.
Today wasn't such an eventful day but I had a sudden urge to go swimming today at around 6 o'clock. Unfortunately, after diving straight into the pool, I found out a little too late that the water was freezing cold and now my cold that I had previously is getting worse. Not just that, I have a feeling my sister is in the same predicarment as me.
Today had been boring. Ever since I stopped working, I have been rather restless. I have no time to occupy my time and now, every morning I pretty much sleep all the way to noon and after. But still, even with so much sleep, I am afraid its not enough because I am still losing my hair!!!
Today is also as I nicknamed it, computer day. I spent almost the whole day on computer. And managed to agree to most of the requests and editing my profile on Facebook.
So all in all, I hope for something magical to happen for......... ........ ..... and ......... ..... ...... yada yada yada.
After all, I am going to Hong Kong Disneyland and hopefully its as magical as so many tourists have told me before.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
Ok, so today, I only collected two more red packet, but I am still waiting for at least three more and hopefully it would amount to $300. So right now, I have $270.
Today, I went visiting to the temple and it seemed completely crazy there. Everyone, my relatives and all were so hyper and it was all of a sudden. After the visit to the temple, we went to a restruant and ate Thai food. YUM YUM!!! But the whole ordering of the food and drinks kicked up such a big fuss. I bet the people outside the glass pane could hear us. Some of them were pratically shouting at the top of their lungs.
So, after all that, we went to my eldest uncle's house and pretty much stayed there till around 10. There, they were all gambling and after that had dinner. My eldest aunt has one of the best cooking skills and the food tasted wonderful. You all should try it someday! And on a side note, I learned how to play mahjong today and won two rounds in a row in less than ten minutes. Whoo hoo!!!
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happy Lunar New Year!!!
Yes, today is the day in which I kept eating and eating and eating........ Though it is definitely against my diet routine, I just could not resist splurging on the delicious tidbits and snacks.
Not to forget, I also collected my red packet money... and the amount was 252 dollars and counting, considering I still have tomorrow to collect more red packet money.
Today, we went visiting the most houses. It was a total of 5 compared to the usual four that we did so many years before. That also meant more food!!! But seriously, everyone seemed starved this year. A whole table of food could be gone within 5 minutes. And I am not exaggerating.
Sieh Sie nächstes Mal Leute!
Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Today was Pay Day and it has to be also the oddest day of my life. The slip felt so foreign in my hands. I might be overeacting a little...... or a lot......... but that was excatly how I felt, like it did not belong to me......Not to mention I got mocked at by my parents about it.
Anyways, I need to go for a crash diet soon or I shall gain more weight than ever during Chinese New Year. Hopefully, just hopefully, I can lose 25 kg by the end of March.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 6:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Yes, Today was just plain busy, busy, busy, busy, busy and the list goes on................................................................................................................
I woke up at around eight something and at around nine, I had to be up and going, ready to face the whole tedious Polytechnic admissions procedure. I pretty much spent the whole day at Temasek Polytechnic and finding out about the courses that they offer.
The first thing that happened to my mom and I when we first got out of the taxi was that we were immediately introduced by a nice lady and pulled to a lecturer who talked about computer engineering. I really did not have much of an interest in that course, though I did perk up when she said something about conserving energy. Still, the sweet lecturer talked to us for about 15 minutes before we finally left.
Secondly, we went to see the course I have been thinking about and eligible for: Pyschology. However, I felt kind of horrible going in there. Right next to the Pyschology booth, there was the....... Applied Science courses in which Veterinary Technology was just directly opposite. I felt absolutely taunted, considering I really wanted to take up that course. I really could not stand its mocking so we left that place as soon as we could.
Follow that, my mom was incredibly hungry, so we went to the canteen for food. Really, I could not at all find the mood to eat, I just felt so unsettled. So all I took was two cups of Milo and some peach tea.
After all that, I had to do DAE and JAE. For JAE, I just placed in 6 choices even though everyone disapproved of it. Really, I mean, what is the point of even putting in all the choices that I have no interest in. It just seemed plain ridiculous to me. Moving on to DAE, I did the Temasek one, and as you would guessed it, all the three courses which i filled in, they were all science courses, with Vet Technology as first.
Honestly, time does fly, I never expected it to be already 4. But still, I got everything done and now all I need is just to apply JAE for RP too. Hopefully, with all this, a course of my liking would surface for me.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Yes, we all know it. Its RESULTS DAY! Just waking up this morning, I already felt incredibly heavy and everything just seemed gloomy. Still, I had to go through it. Pulling myself up, I was always trying to put on a joyous face and try not to worry too much, nevertheless, it did not work. However, I was with my friends pretty much all the time, so it wasn't that bad.
Getting the results, I must say, I was disappointed with myself, I thought that I could do better. On the bright side, I was suprised with my Combined Humanities and Literature results.......................
So, overall, I would say that I did quite badly, even though my parents were fine with it.
Anyways, results aside, we had to go collect our Girl Guides Cookies... and guess what...... NO MACADEMIA COOKIES AT ALL! Considering it was most probably the most delicious out of the two other flavours, I was disappointed yet again. I could only go off carrying flavours of chocolate and mint.
So, with my three boxes of cookies, I went to the movies with Gwen to celebrate the no-renewal-of-friendship-contract-day. We watched The Mist by Stephen King. And also the first time I am in a NC-16 movie at the cinema. So, after that, we brought food but took so long in deciding what we wanted that the queue was getting longer and longer, and got stares from people. Also, had to change my Sprite to Coke because it was tasteless.
On with the movie............ I must admit it was a good movie, with much suspenses and a huge twist right at the end of it. Enjoyed it even though I was pratically freezing in the cinema. Even after finishing the show, we still could not stop talking about it.
Yup.....................Thats all Folks. See you tomorrow!
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
An Unnerving Day
Well, oh well. Today's is just like any other day except that it wasn't. Finding out the 'O' Levels results was actually released this thursday instead of next monday really brought out the anxiety in me. I wasn't even prepared and now it is pushed foward. These two days are going to be really a torture....i would most probably be starving yself then. What's worse is that i have work on that day and now i have to explain everything to the
boss, and she does not like last minute arrangements. I am just going to have to prepare myself for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow......................................
All I can say is that it is not going to be pleasant.............
But moving on, I saw this little preview of the Little Mermaid on Broadway, and its really just wonderful.
Check this out!
The Little Mermaid is Sierra Boggess.
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Well, oh well. Today's is just like any other day except that it wasn't. Finding out the 'O' Levels results was actually released this thursday instead of next monday really brought out the anxiety in me. I wasn't even prepared and now it is pushed foward. These two days are going to be really a torture.... I would most probably be starving myself again. What's worse is that i have work on that day and now i have to explain everything to the boss, and she does not like last minute arrangements. I am just going to have to prepare myself for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow......................................
All I can say is that it is not going to be pleasant...............
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Posted by Auf der Reise Heim! Cheryl.W at 8:16 AM 0 comments